A bowl of activated charcoal for detoxed skin. Cherish U®

The Benefits of Activated Charcoal for Skin

If you've strolled down the beauty aisle lately, you’ve likely noticed activated charcoal in a plethora of products—from toothpaste to deodorant and an array of skincare items. But what exactly is activated charcoal, and is it worth the hype? At CherishU, we believe it is, and we're here to explain why. This article will delve into the benefits of activated charcoal for the skin and why it deserves a spot in your skincare routine.

What is Activated Charcoal?

Activated charcoal, also known as activated carbon, is produced by heating charcoal to a very high temperature and combining it with gases. This process increases its surface area and makes it more porous. The result is a substance with remarkable absorbing properties, much like a sponge, which allows it to soak up odors and impurities effectively.

Activated charcoal’s history dates back to ancient Egypt, where it was used for its purifying properties. It was later used in World War I in gas masks to prevent soldiers from being poisoned by chemical exposures. Its ability to trap toxins and chemicals in its millions of tiny pores makes it a powerful detoxifying agent.

How Does Activated Charcoal Work?

The science behind activated charcoal’s efficacy lies in its large surface area and porous structure. These characteristics allow it to attract and hold onto impurities and toxins, effectively removing them from the surface it contacts. This makes activated charcoal an excellent ingredient for skincare products, as it can draw out dirt, oil, and other impurities from the skin, leaving it clean and refreshed.

When applied to the skin, activated charcoal works by binding to dirt and oil, pulling them out of the pores. This process helps to deeply cleanse the skin, reducing the occurrence of blackheads and breakouts. Additionally, its slightly abrasive texture makes it an effective exfoliant, gently removing dead skin cells and promoting a smoother, more even complexion.

Skin Benefits of Activated Charcoal

The porous nature of activated charcoal offers several skin benefits:

  1. Deep Pore Cleansing: Activated charcoal’s porous properties allow it to penetrate deeply into the skin, removing impurities and debris that can lead to pimples and blackheads. By effectively eliminating dirt, bacteria, and toxins that our skin is exposed to daily, it leaves the skin looking radiant and beautiful.

  2. Oil Control: One of the standout features of activated charcoal is its ability to absorb excess oil from the skin. Unlike regular cleansers, it goes beyond the surface to soak up excess oil from deep within the pores, making it ideal for those with oily skin. This helps to prevent the shiny, greasy appearance that can be a concern for many individuals.

  3. Exfoliation: The slightly gritty texture of activated charcoal acts as a natural exfoliant, sloughing off dead skin cells without causing irritation. This reveals fresh, new skin underneath and refines the skin’s texture. Regular exfoliation with activated charcoal can help improve the skin’s overall appearance, making it look healthier and more youthful.

  4. Minimizing Pores: Regular use of activated charcoal can help reduce the appearance of pore size and visibility, resulting in smoother skin. This is particularly beneficial for those with enlarged pores, as it can help to create a more refined and polished look.

  5. Antibacterial and Antifungal Properties: Activated charcoal’s antibacterial and antifungal properties make it effective against acne. It kills acne-causing bacteria and helps soothe existing acne while preventing future breakouts. This makes it a valuable addition to the skincare routines of those with acne-prone skin.

  6. Soothing Inflammation: Activated charcoal can help soothe inflammation and redness, making it beneficial for those with sensitive or irritated skin. Its gentle, non-irritating nature makes it suitable for all skin types, even those with delicate skin.



    Activated charcoal is versatile and can be used for all skin types. Here’s how it benefits each:

    • Oily Skin: For those with oily skin, activated charcoal is particularly beneficial due to its oil-absorbing properties. Regular use can help control excess oil production and keep the skin clean and balanced. Those with oily skin can benefit from incorporating activated charcoal into their daily skincare routine.

    • Combination Skin: If you have combination skin, characterized by an oily T-zone and dry cheeks, you can use activated charcoal to target the oily areas, helping to balance the skin. This can help to reduce shine in the T-zone while keeping the drier areas hydrated and comfortable.

    • Dry Skin: While dry skin requires more moisturizing products, it can still benefit from activated charcoal. Products that combine activated charcoal with nourishing ingredients like aloe, olive oil, or jojoba oil are ideal for this skin type. These combinations can provide the detoxifying benefits of activated charcoal while ensuring the skin remains hydrated and supple.

    No matter your skin type, activated charcoal can be a game changer. Its ability to cleanse, detoxify, and balance the skin makes it a valuable addition to any skincare routine.

    How to Incorporate Activated Charcoal into Your Skincare Routine

    Incorporating activated charcoal into your skincare routine is easy with the right products. At CherishU, we offer a range of products harnessing the power of activated charcoal:

    1. Charcoal Peppermint Soap: This bar helps cleanse the skin while awakening and refreshing it with cool peppermint. It’s perfect for a revitalizing morning routine or a refreshing end to a long day.

    2. Charcoal and Bentonite Clay Mask: For a deep pore cleanse, our mask can be customized with essential oils or moisturizing carrier oils like olive or jojoba oil, making it suitable for dry skin. Use this mask once or twice a week for best results, and enjoy the feeling of thoroughly cleansed, detoxified skin.

    3. For a complete detox experience, try our Activated Charcoal | Detoxifying Facial Set, designed to deeply cleanse and rejuvenate your skin.

    Tips for Using Activated Charcoal Products

    1. Patch Test First: Before using any new product, it’s important to do a patch test to ensure you don’t have an adverse reaction. Apply a small amount of the product to a discreet area of skin and wait 24 hours to see if any irritation occurs.

    2. Follow with Moisturizer: After using activated charcoal products, it’s essential to follow up with a good moisturizer. This helps to lock in hydration and keep the skin balanced.

    3. Regular Use: For best results, use activated charcoal products regularly. Incorporate them into your daily or weekly routine as recommended on the product packaging.

    4. Customize Your Routine: Don’t be afraid to customize your skincare routine based on your skin’s needs. Mix activated charcoal masks with different ingredients to address specific concerns, and adjust the frequency of use as needed.


    Activated charcoal is more than just a trendy ingredient; it offers tangible benefits for your skin. Whether you're dealing with oily, combination, or dry skin, incorporating activated charcoal into your skincare routine can help you achieve a healthier, more radiant complexion. Explore our charcoal line at CherishU and discover the transformative power of this remarkable ingredient.

    Ready to take your skincare routine to the next level? Experience the deep cleansing, detoxifying benefits for yourself. Your skin will thank you!

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